Universal Nature Recording System - Welcome


About this website

The Universal Nature Recording System provides an easy way for anyone to enter nature observations. The system can handle any number of areas and any number of categories of wildlife.

It has been used in Gloucestershire since April 2008 for the entry of bird observations. The county bird recorder retrieves the observations and incorporates them in his records.

In March 2009 it was extended to cover more categories of wildlife in Gloucestershire: butterflies, dragonflies and damselflies, mammals and orchids can be recorded. These records are passed to the relevant county recorders.

In June 2017 it was updated to stay in line with the latest internet standards. Please report any issues to the email address below.

Login or register

Would you like to enter an observation? If you have already registered for an area, you can log in to that area. Otherwise you need to register first.



Would you like to try a demonstration? This shows how birds, butterflies, dragonflies and damselflies, mammals and orchids can be recorded.

County recorders

Are you the official county recorder for any type of wildlife in the UK? If so, would you like to obtain more sightings from other people? Or better quality data? This system makes it easy for people to enter their observations. You will then be able to download the data into your own database or analysis system. If you would like your field of interest included in the system send an email to the address below. Read more here about how it works and what it can do.


Do you need help? Read here to learn more.

Please send any questions to:email address